About Us
International Journal of Sociology and Humanities is an international, peer reviewed, open-access and online journal. The Sociology Journal provides open access mode of publication to the authors and publishes almost all types of write-ups like research articles, reviews, case reports, case studies, commentaries, short communication, book reviews, editorials, etc.
This Sociology Journal follows a Double-Blind Peer Review process. The Humanities journal covers cultural aspects of contemporary sociology, and creates a common forum for scholars, practitioners, and researchers worldwide to follow the latest developments and debates within the field and publishes manuscripts based on research methods such as interviewing, participant observation, ethnography, historical analysis, content analysis and others. Humanities journal welcomes contributions in the fields of:
Online submission of the manuscript is strongly recommended in the Sociology journal. The author can send their articles to submit.socio@gmail.com or through the online submission portal. A manuscript number will be mailed to the corresponding author within one week or earlier by the managing editor of the Humanities journal. All manuscripts are subjected to a RAPID peer review process, and those of high quality (which have not previously been published and are not under consideration for publication by another journal) would be published without any delay in subsequent issues of the Sociology journal after approval.