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International Journal of Sociology and Humanities

Vol. 1, Issue 2, Part A (2019)

Impact of excessive video games usage on teenage academic performance in Lagos state, Nigeria


Dr. Oyeyemi Sunday O, George Pius Adekunle, Dr. Elegbede Bola C, Topohozin David

Many factors affect the academic performance of students, empirical studies report that access to information can influence the academic performance of students. However, studies on impact of excessive playing of video games among teenage in relation to leisure and academic performance are limited in Lagos State, Nigeria. This study employed two hundred and fifty (250) teenage students aged between 10 and 16. Two research questions and two hypotheses were raised to guide the study. A Questionnaire on Impact of Students excessive Video Game Usage adapted from Rubijesmin, (2017).The instrument was validated through face and construct validity while the Cronbach alpha reliability method was used to obtain a reliability correlation co-efficient of 0.72. The instrument was administered on 250 teenagers purposively selected from two primary schools and two secondary schools in Lagos sate, Nigeria. The study employed descriptive survey research design. Hypothesis one was retained while hypothesis two was rejected this implied that there is no significant relationship between teenagers’ excessive usage of video games on improved academic performance and there is a significant relationship between teenagers’ excessive usage of video games and after school leisure. The study consequently recommends relative orientation on when and how to curb excessive usage of video games among teenagers. Effort should be made to discourage non-academic usage of video games in and outside the classroom. Indicating that students should endeavour to constructively use more of their time in reading their books rather than playing video games. Finally, stakeholders in the education sector should intensified campaign on curbing the adverse effect of excessive usage of video games among teenagers.

Pages: 10-14  |  2020 Views  880 Downloads

International Journal of Sociology and Humanities
How to cite this article:
Dr. Oyeyemi Sunday O, George Pius Adekunle, Dr. Elegbede Bola C, Topohozin David. Impact of excessive video games usage on teenage academic performance in Lagos state, Nigeria. Int. J. Sociol. Humanit. 2019;1(2):10-14. DOI: 10.33545/26648679.2019.v1.i2a.9
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