Aman Adem Tese and Messele Kumilachew Aga
In developing countries like Ethiopia rural-urban migration affects economic development and migrants livelihoods in both urban and rural areas. This study was attempted to examine the effects of rural to urban migration on Migrants livelihood. Descriptive and explanatory research design was applied by using quantitative and qualitative approaches. 145 respondents were selected from three kebeles of the town and both primary and secondary data were employed, primary data were collected through questionnaire and interviews, while the secondary data were gathered from published and unpublished sources and analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. Improvement in life of migrants after migration is used as a proxy variable in this study and used as dependent variable while change in income, employment, education/skill/, housing/shelter/, access to urban transport and access to education for migrant`s dependents were used as explanatory variables for regression. Empirical method employed for this research analysis is Ordered Logistic regression. The finding of the study shows that income of migrants after migration to urban is raises significantly that reveals positive effect of rural-urban migration of economic growth. Otherwise housing/shelter and urban transport service were observed as cost of migration on economy. The majority of the interviewed participant mentioned this rural-urban migration is negatively affect employment opportunity at urban area and contribute for expansion of informal sectors, facilitates illegal residence, youth bad behavior like drinking alcohols, chat and shisha that lead them to other crime and theft. These flows of migration also affect rural area agricultural activities that need large number of lobar force. Now a day youth and educated people are highly migrate to urban for the seek of modern urban service and job opportunity, this affect negatively agriculture economy at rural area and at urban area affect access to get modern urban service like education, health, pure water, electricity, and telecom service.
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