Donna Clarissa Syiem
In the Khasi Society of Meghalaya, the Kur system is the social entity around which every social institution of the Khasi society revolves. Kur system is the stronghold of the Khasi Matrilineal system based on the concept of’’ tip kur tip kha’’. It signifies the network of kinship, relationship, obligations conviction and beliefs that weave Khasi society together. To understand the nature of Khasi social organization, it becomes necessary to state the general rule of a matrilineal system in which descent is from the female line that is from the mother. The Khasi acknowledge the notions of Kur or clan allegiance, as exemplified by "teh kur," "ting kur," and "tang jait," in which the Khasi blood relationship is not the sole criterion but is also established on the basis of friendship and support during periods of adversity and crisis.
This paper attempts to examine the formation of descent clans among the Khasi tribes of Meghalaya.
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